Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security (SD=HS)
Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security (SD=HS) overall objective is to have indigenous peoples and small holder farmers, men, women and youth - enjoy their farmers’ rights and have the capacity to access, develop and use plant genetic resources to improve their food and nutrition security under conditions of climate change.
The expected outcomes are:
Resilient indigenous and farming communities are better able to access and sustainably use and maintain plant genetic resources for food and nutrition security, climate change adaptation and disaster management.
Indigenous peoples and small-holder farmers enhance their livelihoods, income and seed security through improved production of and improved market access to high-quality seeds of diverse crops and varieties
Rural communities have strengthened their coping strategies by increasing the intake of nutritious food based on local biodiversity and improved management of neglected and underutilized species (NUS)
Policy makers and other stakeholders support an enabling policy and institutional environment for farmers’ seed systems and the implementation of Farmers’ Rights.
SD=HS contributes to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 2 which is to end hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and provide sustainable agriculture. The program is built on the assumption that sustained crop diversity and increased access to good quality well adapted seeds are preconditions for safe, nutritious and sufficient food (SDG 2.1).
SD=HS is built on the recognition of small-holder farmers’ roles in food production and management of crop diversity. The programme will strengthen their capacities to manage and share their knowledge, develop their seeds systems and have a voice in relevant policies.